So, I won my disability case! I've been fighting this for two years. The lawyer called and said "I have good news" I made him check the file name he was reading before he told me because I couldn't believe any good news could be for me. But it was, and I'm shocked. So within a few weeks to a month I'll be getting $600-$1,000 per month. Most likely toward the lower end. I want to get an apartment so bad! I hate where I live if you haven't read my last few posts. I'm expecting about $11,000+ in retroactive monies as well. That will allow me to get all the furniture etc... I need for my new apartment and fix my car. But the shitty thing is out of that check approx.$2,000 comes out for cash assistance I've been getting which is fine. So, now I'm left with maybe $9,000? And 30% goes to the lawyer. So whatever is left after that is mine. I don't do math. lol. But anything will be a blessing and I will not be wasteful or greedy. I'm actually hopeful for once in along time.
Congrats too