*BANG!* Thats the sound of me hitting rock bottom. I'm sitting in the McDonalds parking lot, stealing wyfi. I got kicked out of my house, I have noone and nothing. I'm having a fucking birthday party tonight but its going to turn into a goddamn charity event. I need $100 more dollars and I can get a hotel for 7 nights. I've been in my car since my birthday, (15th) and to top if off my best friend just got kicked out last night too. So atlest were in this together. I slipped up with the pills, now my biggest issue is getting clean, I'll never survive on the streets w/ a drug problem, I know I can drive up to the strip club tonight and make a few hundred, but I'm so tired and filthy I don't think I could do it, Maybe if I get the hotel and rest up fpr a night or two. You gottta admit dancing is the quickest way to get cash next to robbing a bank. I've been thinking about that one two, but I don't have a gun.
Thats a joke. Well I got two ciggarettes, a quarter tank of gas, 2 beers, some left over birthday cake and some determination. I'll get thru this, but I have no idea how. Wish me luck.

3,000 miles away ... not sure what I could do to help. But wish you well, let everyone know how things go.
I'm in CT now. I hope your okay. Look me up.