Hey Everyone,
Yes I am still around, I am just really bad about updating my journal. Not a whole lot is new, I just went down to NH last night to visit a new girl, who seems pretty cool. I am bored as hell and debating what I want to do. I could go out to the Well, though I am not a huge fan of the bands that are playing. Also I slept like shiznit last night, Patty (the new girl) only has a twin bed, which really doesnt work well with 2 ppl. And now my back feels like its all screwed up.
On another note, I am really wanting a tattoo. I want to get a get a celtic cross, the problem is I dont have the money or the guts to do it. Maybe I will eventually. Yea so thats it for new stuff. TTYL
Yes I am still around, I am just really bad about updating my journal. Not a whole lot is new, I just went down to NH last night to visit a new girl, who seems pretty cool. I am bored as hell and debating what I want to do. I could go out to the Well, though I am not a huge fan of the bands that are playing. Also I slept like shiznit last night, Patty (the new girl) only has a twin bed, which really doesnt work well with 2 ppl. And now my back feels like its all screwed up.
On another note, I am really wanting a tattoo. I want to get a get a celtic cross, the problem is I dont have the money or the guts to do it. Maybe I will eventually. Yea so thats it for new stuff. TTYL
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