There comes a time when you must just let go. I have cared for and loved just one women for months and in the end she decided to make up an illusion of me just so she can hate me, thus bringing the conclusion of whatever feelings we had for one another. She wonders why I never wanted to take her back, well these are the reasons. You don't treat me like shit because I'm unsure about you. Give me time to make up my mind and to see if you truly do care about me. How hard is that? I' am so glad that I never took her back. That was more drama then any man should have to deal with. Even for a woman, if the guy treats you like scum lose the fucker. You deserve better then that. So to night being the last night that I will ever have to see my ex, I'm going to party like its going out of style to the point where I cant even remember my name. If I'm still standing by the end of the night, I will thank my lucky stars that no one let me go running out in the snow naked, yelling PUDDING!!!!

means a lot xx