so its the new year, and for some odd reason it doesn't feel anything different. oh well, I'll make it different.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
well......another day....another dollar. -
Thursday Jun 07, 2012
have you ever found yourself to that point in your life where you fin… -
Wednesday May 30, 2012
wow, it has been a long time sense I have written anything on this bl… -
Monday Dec 12, 2011
Well im no longer going to be on Suicide girls. My Shop is finally op… -
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
So how does one fined time to paint for himself. So many orders, It … -
Friday Nov 04, 2011
Life is to short, we all need to learn to enjoy what we have. Before … -
Sunday Oct 23, 2011
its been a wail sense iv posted anything on my blog. I have found a … -
Friday Jul 08, 2011
There comes a time in a mans life when nothing makes sence. When the… -
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Its such a beautifull day here. The is up high in the blue sky, with … -
Saturday Jun 11, 2011
there are days that I cant seem to get what i want out of my head whe…
Happy New Year!