So there I was working at the coolest bar in town."The Red Eye". its midnight and one of my co workers has this idea for all us door guys to go top less. I told him he was stupid and gay. so i agreed to do it. no more then 5 min later after all the whistling and pawing from the female customers a fight breaks out. All of us door man break up the fight (top less mind you) and as the fight settles down all of us door guys are circling this one guy talking him down and telling him to leave, I start to look around at all of us and start to think. Here's three muscular guys with there shirts off showing not only our pecks but also our tats and bode piercings. One thing came to mind, we are all gay! There is no way this guy is taking us seriously, not when we are looking like the gay trio! So needless to say after we kick his ass out of our bar, I ran to the other door where my shirt laid and put it back on, ignoring all the complaints from the customers. Next time I'll just bring a button down shirt and leave it undone. 

hot body