I meet a gorgeous woman tonight, one that has made my head turn more then once; however, letting her into my life would be a huge mistake. Oh yeah sure the sex we would have no doubt would be fucking amassing, but what about the next day? I'm sure that a one night of passion wouldn't out way a life time of pain and drama, or would it? Especially sense there is someone in my life already that i care about, but lately i haven't felt as if i was needed by her. Odd that I would feel like this. I am the kind of guy that wouldn't care if a girl looked twice at me or even wanted to fuck my brains out, and yet I feel really unwanted. If things don't change and quickly I'm going to be out on the market once more. Only this time, I'll make sure that I stay single. 

Im ugly enough i think, it'll work. if not then Shit.
Well, I hope u feel more wanted.. everyone should.. if it makes u feel any bettter I know how u feel.. I think I'm gonna go back to dating women