its october my favorit time of the year. I cant fucking wait for the parties to start. ill post the pics when i get back in november of my halloween madness, so that you all can see what you were missing.
so yeah, tonight was sort of interesting, after i left the bar some jack ass in a dark colored shirt pulled a knife on me. need less to say come tomorrow hes going to find it very difficult to speak. that Adams apple is a bitch isn't it? hehehe
well im almost moved into my new apt. So far I enjoy living here more so then the other joint. However; I haven't lifted in over a month and my body...needless to say is not very happy with me. Time to get back to the gym and start training again.
I have a feeling I am being haunted by an unpleasant spirit. I keep dreaming that it wants to hurt the woman of my dreams and harm her child. I find myself waking up every 5 minuets just to make sure there safe. In my dreams I see them gutted and covered in blood, and this feeling of being to late to do anything to... Read More
I had a really dark dream last night. I was pursed by what I only can say as the Angle of death or the Grim Reaper. First it was a beautiful woman, she had black hair, pail skin, gray eyes. Drop dead gorgeous, then half her face turned to insects. she was showing me all this death, and what happens after you die. She told... Read More
I'm having one of those days where I feel like I'm in a Pepalapu cartoon. Only the skunk is a woman and I am a male black Cat. No matter what I do I just cant seem to get the hell away from this chick. I have been running for months and she just wont take a hint that I am not interested. I wish... Read More
I am having problems trying to find passion with the woman i am seeing and yet I seem to be fading into the shadows. I do care for her, but I fear it may be leading more towards friendship then anything ales. Its not just her, lately I cant seem to feel anything for anyone. I feel as if my life is becoming more and... Read More
So being a retired ex-soldier is really boring. Thank god I have my art, other wise I would go nuts not being able to do anything. I have an Art show coming up in Jun. I have to say I'm a little nervous, my art isn't what people are use to around here and I'm not sure if it will sell or not. I think... Read More
So last weekend I spent my weekend making a film with some of my friends for a film competition. we received 3 runners us and won two event. best use of character and we won best film. If you would like to view the video here is the link.