well......another day....another dollar.
have you ever found yourself to that point in your life where you find yourself saying, I don't give a fuck any more? I'm there, mater of fact I have been there for a very long time. Want my blood, come take it, if you can. Want to hurt me, I welcome the challenge. If you think that you can take my life, ill give...
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Sometimes yes, but there is always something there that makes you stop and realize that the world isn't against you, there is someone one your side. Keep your head up. 

wow, it has been a long time sense I have written anything on this blog. Well its summer, and I have been officially single for 4 months now. this whole self discovery thing has been a real bitch. However, at least I can say that I'm happy. Going to be having a blast this summer, water parks, house parties with friends and neighbors, road trips...
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Well im no longer going to be on Suicide girls. My Shop is finally open and unfortunately the majority of my time is going to be spend working on my Art projects. Take care SG.
So how does one fined time to paint for himself. So many orders, It seems that I am having problems keeping up with them. Well that's what you get for going into business for yourself. oh well i still love it.
Life is to short, we all need to learn to enjoy what we have. Before its taken away from us. I never really cared much about life or death, until a very close friend of mine almost succeed in taking his life last Sunday. I just now have the strength to even talk about it. I have seen death up close and personal, never cared...
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its been a wail sense iv posted anything on my blog. I have found a place that has been some what piece full. no bull no drama. Just me and the positive energy that i brought with me. lets keep it that way.
There comes a time in a mans life when nothing makes sence. When there is just to many problems and not enough solutions. So what am I supose to do about it? The only answer I have to this dellema is to leave my curent residence and find a new. Maybe if I'm lucky all the bad energy will stay behind and not follow me....
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Its such a beautifull day here. The is up high in the blue sky, with a small amount of clouds for shade. I feel like skinny dipping any sg want to join me? heheh

there are days that I cant seem to get what i want out of my head when im drawing. Damn drawing block! Well today that is going to change. I dont care what I have to do, im going to get over this wall. 

So tomorrow will be 3 weeks sense I got my PA. You think its time to try out my new toy? Im planning on going up in gages as well. I think I will stop at a 2 gage. That should deffinlty spice things up a bit.
Im going to go do something i havent done in a very long time. I'm going to go out and have some fun.