Nothing like pulling another all nighter for a test you realize you have no chance in hell of doing remotely well on. Back in undergrad, you knew how well you would do based on the amount of work you put into the cource. Here it's a fucking crapshot, I just get random grades like they put my put random grades in a hat and pull...
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Thanks for the tips. I will keep that in mind next time I decide to go. Good luck on your test and enjoy the parties.

happy halloween!

Is this week over yet? I'm bombed so many tests my GPA probably looks like Dresden right now...ugh. Thank god there are only two more to go now, then it's a three day long party this weekend. I plan on being drunk until Monday morning and just party hop for a few days, I will become reacquainted with my two chums gin and vodka. Settled...
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unfortunately i don't know anybody in b-more to go to any parties
aside from the peeps on here i have had huge falling outs with the rest of the scum living here
but hey whatever
i have to make a short jaunt back to p'cola to pick something up for this project and then i will be having a gathering of SG peeps...

Well I am glad I didn't get shot, but I had that feeling of ducking while I was walking there. You should tell your friends, maybe they will get handjobs too! Whats the best strip club you have ever been too?

This journal is great, it's my daily catharsis for the shit I deal with or the stupidity I inflict upon myself.
Tonight I had to go to a formal dinner for my advocacy class which is basically and insult to my intelligence, I already knew how to eat at a formal meal. Basically I wasted three hours I needed to be up studying and got...
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Tonight I had to go to a formal dinner for my advocacy class which is basically and insult to my intelligence, I already knew how to eat at a formal meal. Basically I wasted three hours I needed to be up studying and got...
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Nightshifts if now 21 and older so we couldn't go there. I think the club was called "Goddess" and it was trashy as hell!

This journal is great, it's my daily catharsis for the shit I deal with or the stupidity I inflict upon myself.
Tonight I had to go to a formal dinner for my advocacy class which is basically and insult to my intelligence, I already knew how to eat at a formal meal. Basically I wasted three hours I needed to be up studying and got...
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Tonight I had to go to a formal dinner for my advocacy class which is basically and insult to my intelligence, I already knew how to eat at a formal meal. Basically I wasted three hours I needed to be up studying and got...
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Let's see what to spout about in today's update...
1: I am in a class called Effective Leadership and Advocacy in school. Basically it's poly sci lite, teaching you how to be a lobbyist and a leader, etc. Tomorrow there is a formal dinner we have to attend to prove we know how to eat in public. No problem, I've fucking thrown formal dinners, have...
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1: I am in a class called Effective Leadership and Advocacy in school. Basically it's poly sci lite, teaching you how to be a lobbyist and a leader, etc. Tomorrow there is a formal dinner we have to attend to prove we know how to eat in public. No problem, I've fucking thrown formal dinners, have...
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just say hey baby wanna make babies? no don't say that i was just joking honest!

hey! did you catch last nights Ministry show? I thought it was fucking great.

Oh life, what won't you shove in my direction?
Last night one of my friends nearly got date raped, fortunately I was one of the group able to intervene and prevent it. Now I know why guys get such a bad reputation. First off, he delayed their exit from the bar thinking we would be gone when he got out. Oh no. We waited. When...
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Last night one of my friends nearly got date raped, fortunately I was one of the group able to intervene and prevent it. Now I know why guys get such a bad reputation. First off, he delayed their exit from the bar thinking we would be gone when he got out. Oh no. We waited. When...
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Thanks for your compliments!
Can you believe I'm 21, an SG limbo girl, and I've still never been to a strip club (though I dearly want to go)? Talk about being the good girl...

Can you believe I'm 21, an SG limbo girl, and I've still never been to a strip club (though I dearly want to go)? Talk about being the good girl...

Your badass for taking care of your girl like that.
If you can find anything out about a low income clinic in Detroit, that would be awesome and I'd be forever greatful.

If you can find anything out about a low income clinic in Detroit, that would be awesome and I'd be forever greatful.
There is nothing like studying for a retake of an exam where you have no fucking idea where you went wrong in the first place. JOY.
On the plus side, at least I've found some shows to occupy my free time now that I'm single again. I can go to two Ministry shows, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, AND Laibach in the space of about two weeks....
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On the plus side, at least I've found some shows to occupy my free time now that I'm single again. I can go to two Ministry shows, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, AND Laibach in the space of about two weeks....
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Hi thanks for writting me. I know more about the strip joints in DC. I like the ones I have gone in DC. They are pretty fun and the ones I have gone where laid back, girls were ok. The ones with nicer quality women are a little more uppity for my tastes. I am going to "Nightshifts" tonight. I have never been but will let you know how it was. I haven't been to the places you have been too.
I am really excited about the Ministry show, my first time seeing them. I am not familiar with the other band though. Maybe I will see you there.
I am not a big Skinny Puppy fan so I was not planning on seeing them. I am seeing Dresden Dolls next Wed and can't wait for that show. Have a nice weekend.
I am really excited about the Ministry show, my first time seeing them. I am not familiar with the other band though. Maybe I will see you there.
I am not a big Skinny Puppy fan so I was not planning on seeing them. I am seeing Dresden Dolls next Wed and can't wait for that show. Have a nice weekend.

hey sorry it has been a while i am sick
man i hate tests of any kind that is why school is not for me
good luck!

Another glorious day, B-more style.
I had an exam this morning that combined economics, prescription drug laws, drug actions, history taking, and insurance plans. I studed for ten minutes and then watched the Red Sox game the night before, took the test this morning and walked out laughing realizing I over studied for it. Thank god, this is the first easy test I've had in...
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I had an exam this morning that combined economics, prescription drug laws, drug actions, history taking, and insurance plans. I studed for ten minutes and then watched the Red Sox game the night before, took the test this morning and walked out laughing realizing I over studied for it. Thank god, this is the first easy test I've had in...
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Why are big stacks of mail always bills? Why can't they be packages filled with candy bars, sapphires, money, and puppies?
I am sure that would be the case if I had a million dollars at my disposal and ran rampant on eBay.
But, such as it is, I can only afford stickers that I never receive.
Why are big stacks of mail always bills? Why can't they be packages filled with candy bars, sapphires, money, and puppies?
I am sure that would be the case if I had a million dollars at my disposal and ran rampant on eBay.
But, such as it is, I can only afford stickers that I never receive.

Sat the girl down tonight and had a talk with her where we both came to the conclusion that neither one of us knew what in the hell happened last night. The conversation had many gems such as her telling me "I felt weird when you touched me last night." Yeah that was a real buzz kill. My summary was we were acting as though...
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god damn.
i'm sorry thats so crap.
you're a good writer though whatever thats worth.
i'm sorry thats so crap.
you're a good writer though whatever thats worth.
ah yes the virtues of debt
mine are really really bad, like 48k which in $ value is about $76k - so if you're insane, then there's no hope for me, i'm beyond redemption
On a lighter note
nice to see another Joy Division and Sisters fan
Hope all works out ok with you and your girl
Michelle xx

On a lighter note

Hope all works out ok with you and your girl
Michelle xx
I had a dog once, had him for 19 years. He was a pound mutt, my mom and dad bought him one day before the litter he was in was supposed to be put down. The dog was there throughout almost all of my life, and he was a damn good dog. Ugly as sin, a bark that made my hair stand on end, but...
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Sucks about the girl situation. I've been there.
hope things get better for you.
hope things get better for you.