Hey a first blog!
The thing is im not used to ''blog''. What do people do usually? Cause i dont want to do it! Haha! But i could start by thanking Michelle Gagn my photograph for my first and second sets submitted to SG! Here's link to her blog http://michellegagne.wordpress.com/ ! Take a look! Her work is awesome!! Plus there are beautiful girls including me! haha! That's a start no!?
The thing is im not used to ''blog''. What do people do usually? Cause i dont want to do it! Haha! But i could start by thanking Michelle Gagn my photograph for my first and second sets submitted to SG! Here's link to her blog http://michellegagne.wordpress.com/ ! Take a look! Her work is awesome!! Plus there are beautiful girls including me! haha! That's a start no!?

Ur set is lovely! Like the concept!