hello world, or whoever is on here. So I've been traveling a ton. Greece, Vegas, Portland, New York, what next?! Next over seas trip i'd love to see Istanbul but I hear you can get ripped off easy, so I dunno. A party in Iceland, maybe Japan. The world is my oyster and I've never felt so free. I love living in San Francisco I could just breathe this city in and never let it out. The raw humanity and real life happening around you it brings you out of yourself. I never want to get to a point where I just think of myself or my little petty world. I want to be reminded that I am a pea sized being in this universe. I hope that anyone stressed out with life can think about this for a moment. We are all just small pieces of fuzz floating in the world and time we live in. It is amazingly simple and peaceful to think of life as such. Light hearted and free.
Wow... You have been busy lately, miss. Been a while! I like that. Light hearted and free...