This is the first time I've been unemployed since...hmm.... I think I was 15! What is wrong with this world, our economy, where a fully abled, talented, and hard working person can't even get a job paying minimum wage. Not to mention I have a BS in business administration. I've sent out over 50 resumes and I haven't had one reply. I don't understand it. My dad says things will be better after the election, but meanwhile I have rent to pay. Luckly I'm not like most I know, I don't own credit cards and i'm not in debt. But I do have to live. I don't want something for nothing, I like to work, I'm a very hard worker. So what's the deal America?
you've been hiding?
i've been working and going to school.... and small trips
wait youre from Sf?
i was just there a few weeks ago... for a whole week
whats new with you?
but i'm planning on going next sunday
how you been