Jesus, how long has it been since I posted here? I wanted to write you a really beautiful blog entry about the place in the northwestern forest where I'm now living off the grid, and about how much of a scary primitivist asshole I'm becoming, and how I never take pictures of any sort anymore. Mostly I wanted to leave you with some beautiful word pictures about my life and travels, but I'll let those evocative blog entries be written by people like Casper, who are much better at it.
Here's a photo, okay?

Note: this is not my forest of residence
Jesus, how long has it been since I posted here? I wanted to write you a really beautiful blog entry about the place in the northwestern forest where I'm now living off the grid, and about how much of a scary primitivist asshole I'm becoming, and how I never take pictures of any sort anymore. Mostly I wanted to leave you with some beautiful word pictures about my life and travels, but I'll let those evocative blog entries be written by people like Casper, who are much better at it.
Here's a photo, okay?

Note: this is not my forest of residence
That photo is amazing 

Hope you feel better soon