The shirt says it all.
So try something other than a dead animal this Thanksgiving. Here's some incentive:
Close to 2,000 turkeys can be loaded onto a single truck headed for the slaughterhouse. The turkeys are collected by workers, who grab them by their legs and throw them into large crates. Many birds suffer broken bones in the process. The crates are then loaded onto trucks, and the birds are shipped through all weather conditions without food or water to the slaughterhouse. Millions of turkeys die every year as a result of heat exhaustion, freezing, or accidents during transport.
At the slaughterhouse, turkeys are hung upside-down by their weak and crippled legs before their heads are dragged through an electrified "stunning tank," which immobilizes them but does not kill them. Many turkeys' bones or wings break when their legs are forced into shackles at slaughter. And many of the terrified birds dodge the tank and therefore, are fully conscious when their throats are slit. If the knife fails to properly slit the birds' throats, they are scalded alive in the tank of hot water used for feather removal.
Turkeys are intelligent, agile, and resourceful animals. When in their natural surroundings, not on factory farms, they enjoy running, building nests, and raising their young. Please don't support an industry that abuses these fascinating animals by the millions.
For the rest of this article, and more information on how you can help , go to Goveg.com
