Except these ones. They were far too adorable.

And speaking of babies, here is a bizarre learning aid I happened to come across today:
All juvenile humor aside, I've been having a very busy few weeks. I spent 6 days in Seattle, Olympia and Portland visiting old friends,
drinking too much
hiking in the green forests of the West Coast, (no pictures, we were too entranced by nature . Only not really, I just need a new camera)
and attending a few shows.
Also, I hung out with
Silencia again briefly and got to meet Pistolita for the first time! They're both lovely, amazing ladies and oh-so-cute! I'd like to make SG dolls, but I guarantee that no doll could be as adorable as the real live ladies!
Goregon Massacre Fest was, or course, a great deal of fun. Black Market Fetus, Superbad, Exhausted Prayer, and Butcher ABC were the highlights of the weekend for me. My phone was smashed to pieces during Ghoul's set and things got drunk and slightly embarrassing at an afterparty with Funerot, but I had a lovely trip.
A few chills and thrills since, including my repeatedly crashed '80s dance party,
local activism .fellow protesters at a community forum on gang violence which waspresided over by the US attorney general
a new issue of regional alternative paper The Finger and more importantly, 17 arrests and a lot of conflict in my current community regarding protests against local police brutality. Please find more info and links here.
I'd have more to say, but my Internet connection is faulty. For now, here's my grumpy, pox-scabbed mug and a smidgin of semi-entertaining information. In the meantime, visit my Crackspace. and say "hello" there, too.
Mundane Madeleine Trivia
When it gets very hot outside, I like eating popsicles in the shower.