It seems I owe you all a wee bit of an update. All sorts of things have been going on - too many to enumerate, but let's see if I can recap the last few months for you.
I moved three times, was extremely sick for a month, started working as a direct support professional with teens with autism, developmental disabilities and mental health issues (if I don't get slugged at least once in a week, something's abnormal - but I work a very rewarding job in spite of that). In addition, I almost got married, almost moved to New York, almost ended up a gutterpunk mommy when I unexpectedly got pregnant and decided to have the baby but experienced a miscarriage. And if that's not enough news for you, then you have a serious tabloid addiction.
In any case, I'm doing much better now. My dog, library books and several good pals provide all the company I can handle these days. I'm living in what is almost literally a closet and feeding off freegan finds and charity at the moment. My wages are being garnished, so any extra money I can scrape together is being saved up for important stuff, like toothpaste...and travel. I had the lovely experience of meeting Silencia, Lyxzen and Coley at my city's tattoo convention, and I'm hoping to not only kick it with these lovelies in Portland sometime soon, but join some of them in a trip to San Diego's Comic Con in July. Besides that, I'll be riding the cheap way to east Texas sometime in June, followed by a stint in Chicago. I am, however, not relocating to the East Coast for college, as I had planned. I'm wrapping up my BA here in WA state, and then I'm planning on being a homeless but motivated bum for at least a year. Get your couches ready. I'll be headed your way sooner or later.
PS For you Crackspace fiends, I'm abandoning my SG account there. It's just too silly and false, and there's no real point in maintaining a separation between my "SG life" and my "real life" - as far as I'm concerned, they're one and the same. If you really need to get in touch with me via that site, then visit my normal account -
PSS I am now living in a new place, thanks to an additional tutoring job I now have, working under the table two nights a week. I have a bedroom, a living room and my own kitchen and bathroom! I will try to post some new pictures soon, but my puppy chewed up my digital camera cable and I can't upload anything. Also, I picked up some new ink at the tattoo convention. Photos soon, I promise. Until then, ponder this:

That thing is so fucking cute it makes me want to blow my head off.
Also, check this out.
I moved three times, was extremely sick for a month, started working as a direct support professional with teens with autism, developmental disabilities and mental health issues (if I don't get slugged at least once in a week, something's abnormal - but I work a very rewarding job in spite of that). In addition, I almost got married, almost moved to New York, almost ended up a gutterpunk mommy when I unexpectedly got pregnant and decided to have the baby but experienced a miscarriage. And if that's not enough news for you, then you have a serious tabloid addiction.
In any case, I'm doing much better now. My dog, library books and several good pals provide all the company I can handle these days. I'm living in what is almost literally a closet and feeding off freegan finds and charity at the moment. My wages are being garnished, so any extra money I can scrape together is being saved up for important stuff, like toothpaste...and travel. I had the lovely experience of meeting Silencia, Lyxzen and Coley at my city's tattoo convention, and I'm hoping to not only kick it with these lovelies in Portland sometime soon, but join some of them in a trip to San Diego's Comic Con in July. Besides that, I'll be riding the cheap way to east Texas sometime in June, followed by a stint in Chicago. I am, however, not relocating to the East Coast for college, as I had planned. I'm wrapping up my BA here in WA state, and then I'm planning on being a homeless but motivated bum for at least a year. Get your couches ready. I'll be headed your way sooner or later.
PS For you Crackspace fiends, I'm abandoning my SG account there. It's just too silly and false, and there's no real point in maintaining a separation between my "SG life" and my "real life" - as far as I'm concerned, they're one and the same. If you really need to get in touch with me via that site, then visit my normal account -
PSS I am now living in a new place, thanks to an additional tutoring job I now have, working under the table two nights a week. I have a bedroom, a living room and my own kitchen and bathroom! I will try to post some new pictures soon, but my puppy chewed up my digital camera cable and I can't upload anything. Also, I picked up some new ink at the tattoo convention. Photos soon, I promise. Until then, ponder this:

That thing is so fucking cute it makes me want to blow my head off.
Also, check this out.

What a strange sequence of events. Sounds like you're even more poor than I am. Doesn't SG pay you girls a decent amount of money? This is an outrage!

Get better soon, sweetness!