Here's what sucks terribly right now and makes me want to fling chairs at the wall:
- my new house flooded a week ago (my space is in the basement) and I can't rid of the smell of mildew. Also, all my books are still in semi-soggy piles on the floor because I have no shelves to put anything on and I haven't found any unwanted furniture that fits the bill.
- I can't change my profile pic on here. And I'm hankering for a new set - badly.
- little Aiko Deathtrap is a terrible nuisance and if she had a cell phone and could speak she would be the type of person who would call you at all hours of the night and talk about nothing. Fortunately, she's just an extremely hyperactive dog.
- my workplace shut down early today because - get this - unidentified fumes made people sick and caused general panic. It's probably the first time the local mall has ever been evacuated, and I missed three hours of work because of the whole fiasco.
- my skin is all dry from the weather and my arm is terribly cut and bruised from an unfortunate encounter with a car door and I was supposed to model for delightfully gory Valentine's Day photos on Sunday but I had to re-schedule the shoot due to my condition.
- oh, and I'm a bitter person who's all hung up on the fact that the people I've loved are self-centered pieces of shit. So hung up on it, in fact, that I'm not even enjoying somebody that I've sort of been seeing.
On the other hand, I might feel differently about the whole scheme after my mid-evening snack.

I want your innards.
So come on, all of you: what are you doing for V-Day?
- my new house flooded a week ago (my space is in the basement) and I can't rid of the smell of mildew. Also, all my books are still in semi-soggy piles on the floor because I have no shelves to put anything on and I haven't found any unwanted furniture that fits the bill.
- I can't change my profile pic on here. And I'm hankering for a new set - badly.
- little Aiko Deathtrap is a terrible nuisance and if she had a cell phone and could speak she would be the type of person who would call you at all hours of the night and talk about nothing. Fortunately, she's just an extremely hyperactive dog.
- my workplace shut down early today because - get this - unidentified fumes made people sick and caused general panic. It's probably the first time the local mall has ever been evacuated, and I missed three hours of work because of the whole fiasco.
- my skin is all dry from the weather and my arm is terribly cut and bruised from an unfortunate encounter with a car door and I was supposed to model for delightfully gory Valentine's Day photos on Sunday but I had to re-schedule the shoot due to my condition.
- oh, and I'm a bitter person who's all hung up on the fact that the people I've loved are self-centered pieces of shit. So hung up on it, in fact, that I'm not even enjoying somebody that I've sort of been seeing.
On the other hand, I might feel differently about the whole scheme after my mid-evening snack.

I want your innards.
So come on, all of you: what are you doing for V-Day?
.. no pun intended