this cartoon pissed me off.
so i wrote to the author.
TO: gvarvel@indystar.com
Why are you villanizing the NY Times for telling the truth.
Paper's such as your own should be ashamed for supressing whats really happening in Iraq. Over a thousand of our troops have died and over 10 thousand are casutalties because of the incompetence of Bush and his administration. C. Rice is out campainging right now instead of doing her job. The threat of an attack is greater now than ever and she off campainging for Bush. No other president has ever let thier security advisor do this.
You would be singing to a different tune if your son or daughter came back either dead or missing a limb. Because Donald decided not to send troops to guard 300 tones of explosives and instead let them loot it on the premisis of "they are a free nation, they are free to do as they wish".
You would be singing a different tune if your maimed child returned from iraq only to be unemployed because thier boss got rid of there job and with mounting medical bills and problems because america does not take care of it's vets, especially reservists and guards thanks to bush.
Dont be associating people of a REGIME that Bush's daddy put into power with the NY TIMES. It is WRONG and DISPICABLE.
oh and really in California huh...
should be legal here but little is
never stopped us!!