Wow. The republican candidates this year are seriously scary! WTF has happened to our country? Fuck this two party system. We need some drastic changes...I say this even though I know that things will get worse before they get better. Like a addict, we must hit rock bottom first
looks like a car show I wanted to go to will be rained/snowed out tomorrow. I... Read More
I really would like to get at least a half sleeve done on my right shoulder next. I would really like something very HR Gieger'ish, Gothic and biomechanical.
I really want to get my tattoo finished but I can never find the time while working grave shifts all of the time. Hopefully I can get it done during Christmas vacation.
I've been trying to figure out where to move to in Nor Cal next year. I am thinking Chico would be a nice place to go to school. Plus it's pretty close to... Read More
Vacation for two weeks started 2 days ago and is awesome. I have never been so relaxed lol
Been catching up on MW3 and the guitar.
What is this crazy bill they just passed in the senate? Crazy shit! They are going to have to kill me before they detain me for no reason. What ever happened to a free country? Screw peaceful protest that... Read More