I supported the legalization of weed and our right to own firearms tonight! I've been working long hours on grave shift. I cannot wait to get back to Cali next year, I am tired of Jersey. I may be heading back sooner than I thought.
On a lighter note, I am debating whether or not to get my tattoo finished. I think it looks really good the way it is. I think I will have something else go around to my Nipple. Random flames coming from my armpit just would look kinda weird. I don't know what I was thinking. I also really want to continue swimming for a while before getting some more work done.
On a lighter note, I am debating whether or not to get my tattoo finished. I think it looks really good the way it is. I think I will have something else go around to my Nipple. Random flames coming from my armpit just would look kinda weird. I don't know what I was thinking. I also really want to continue swimming for a while before getting some more work done.
When do you think you would be coming back to California?
If you do get your tattoo finished what are you thinking of getting?
Thank you