i miss the community i used to feel here
I have an acquaintance that died a couple months ago... but his facebook page still exists. When I die, please take down my sg and fb accounts. Twitter can stay, b/c I'll have some tweets in my will to send from beyond the cremation (fuck that grave nonsense).
like the eye of a needle without thread,
i see the hole in my heart that once again goes unstitched,
and am forced to repaint my mask
i see the hole in my heart that once again goes unstitched,
and am forced to repaint my mask
hey stranger. I'm unsure if this journal is telling me you're unhappy....? regardless, I'm smiling at you.
i'm a little empty but not unhappy if that makes sense. more just trying to flex my metaphor power with some writing upcoming.
i write a lot of things here that I don't let most of my friends see. anonymity does provide a true anti-social media. for example, some days i really enjoy my life and i live it to the fullest. other days, like today, are kind of a blur, where I fill the emptiness with movies searching for the emotion or inspiration i cannot seem to...
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i am trying to rise above, but fuck you for bringing me to doubt myself. I am awesome; thanks for wasting my time.
it feels like chunks of my life are missing
What goes whomp in the night? Crunkin Raptor!
moogfest announced today, very anticlimactic
yoga yoga yoga all the time time time (for teacher training)
Hey you
so you're gonna teach yoga?

chicks dig yoga.

there are beautiful women everywhere; how come it's so easy to get hung up on one at a time?
haven't felt this apathetic about the burn in a while but I'll probably still sit in line and throw down a couple hundo because I'm a sucker
anybody want to run away with me? we could be big in Japan
Sure, why not?