hey yo.
So I don't say yes to everyone to shoot SG hopeful sets, but when I travel I've offered the option for 2 girls per city.
SO here are two Tassie babes I shot last year, the set's are in the queue.
Few weeks away is a set by @tazzi and then you'll see ANOTHER SET follow that we shot as well ;)
We have all seen this babe going hard on SG and you won't be disappointed in our set called "The Typing Room" with @ebonyrae.
And this new baby babe to SG, is @bane you guys will call in love with her cuteness. AND then so much more sets to follow!
Still so many sets secrelty floating around in my editing folders so we will all have to wait.
oh oh.. hey? So 9 years later, I also shared my epic ass!?
What do you think of this!? Mad Dame's Set "Luminal Space" shot by @exkyu