whoo i leave for my USA & Canada Adventure in 3 Days!!!!
Have you seen Sinnamin's New Hopefuls set in MR?
Reach for the Sky
Yes I shot it! Arn't i lucky? and Goooooodd!
She would be such a new fresh addiontal to SG. She's gunna do some big thingsss i knoww it!
Don't forget also if you haven't seen Gizela's Beauuuuutiful set!!
A Chaotic Past & A Blurry Future
She is STUNNING! It just needs some more love!
Oh i died my hair too!
OH talking about sets, you think i should ge some setsshot while im OS?! I'm so lazy. But fuck do i like to take my clothes off!!!
Mad Dame
Have you seen Sinnamin's New Hopefuls set in MR?
Reach for the Sky
Yes I shot it! Arn't i lucky? and Goooooodd!
She would be such a new fresh addiontal to SG. She's gunna do some big thingsss i knoww it!
Don't forget also if you haven't seen Gizela's Beauuuuutiful set!!
A Chaotic Past & A Blurry Future
She is STUNNING! It just needs some more love!
Oh i died my hair too!
OH talking about sets, you think i should ge some setsshot while im OS?! I'm so lazy. But fuck do i like to take my clothes off!!!
Mad Dame
Where in Canada are you going to be visting?
see you in a few