hey everyone!!!
I made my book!!! so it just wasn't some crazy idea!!! lol
But i have the ultimate original with me, and will soon be marketing it online or what not so any odd person can purchas it!! ^.^
Also.. I have resigned from being the Aus Sg photographer..!
I've spent too much time on some stuff for SG for it to be worth it... for me.
My interested have changed and i want to take some new idea's and aspirations as an artist.
But i still love all you girlies!! and still wanna hang out and create some art!!! i have your emails! watch out!! hehe
If you want to contact me or see what i'm up to, email me mad-dame@bigpond.net.au
and find me on Deviant Art and of course MySpace
but also!!! mid november i will be lanching MY website!!!! woot soo keep a look out for that coz there is so much that no one has seen before on it!! its not up yet but it will be www.Mad-Dame.com. what else!?
okay keep it cool..

I made my book!!! so it just wasn't some crazy idea!!! lol
But i have the ultimate original with me, and will soon be marketing it online or what not so any odd person can purchas it!! ^.^
Also.. I have resigned from being the Aus Sg photographer..!
I've spent too much time on some stuff for SG for it to be worth it... for me.
My interested have changed and i want to take some new idea's and aspirations as an artist.
But i still love all you girlies!! and still wanna hang out and create some art!!! i have your emails! watch out!! hehe
If you want to contact me or see what i'm up to, email me mad-dame@bigpond.net.au
and find me on Deviant Art and of course MySpace
but also!!! mid november i will be lanching MY website!!!! woot soo keep a look out for that coz there is so much that no one has seen before on it!! its not up yet but it will be www.Mad-Dame.com. what else!?
okay keep it cool..

i hope they at least like mine!!
big smiles, waves and apples xxxx