x. [Wallet] it has holes but its ..cream colour. and fat coz it eats all my money.
x. [Toothbrush] its green and really really hard!
x. [Jewelery worn daily] my four interchangable earrings/lip rings just all my piercings.
x. [Doona Cover] its red. DOUBLE plus an expensive furry soft against naked skin thrown rug!
x. [Facewash] garnier
x. [Coffee cup] grade6 graguation! woot! (but i usually drink coffee from a glass)
x. [Sunglasses] zero
x. [Underwear] now?? i wear target undies!! to cover EVERYTHING
x. [Shoes] over worn red chucks
x. [Favourite shirt] none
x. [Favorite pants] black short pants. looks like i out grew the legs! (not that ive grown in 5 years!)
x. [CD in stereo right now] don't own a stereo. but the one in the car is Best Of the 60's
x. [Tattoos] zero
x. [Piercings] 3 lip ring, la bret, 4 earing, nose, tongue, belly
x. [What you are wearing now:] my over grown short legged pants, bright green bra and old warm singlet and a pink long sleeve. Oh and some one else's pearls! muah ha
x. [Hair] the colour is slowly turning natural!
x. [Do you like candles]yes, i prefer over normal lights.
x. [Do you believe in love] yes, sometimes its the only thing that saves me.
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] i did... and im still waiting to see if its real.. gotta die first yeah?
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] yeah, happened once.. until i figured out it was real love! DAMMIT!
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] eaten by cats
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] over 2.3 days worth!
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] a closed curtain. because all i see if my neighbours window staring back at me during the long nights!
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] peacock and baby turtles
[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] hmm definitly wasnt today, can't remember what i did yesterday, but some guy saw a photo of me and didnt believe it was me and said he wished he could take photos like that and that i was hot. i might have smiled then.
x. [Laughed?] nah.
x. [Danced?] hmmm perhaps sunday night. practising burlesuqe solo.
x. [Cried?] today! fuck!! coz i didnt get no sympathy from no one. everyone gets to have fun with out me!!
x. [Last movie you Watched] The Pianst
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] water in a glass
x. [Last thing you had to eat] shit rice with shitty cooks bean sprouts, pine nuts and spring onion, it just didnt work out!!! but i have a block of chocolate to compinsate for it later!!
[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] no way
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] over 7 but i only wear one!
x. [Favorite pants color?] black or dark colour
[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favourite band ever?] Pennywise and NoFx
x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] um. no coz i dont see them, i only hear there music.
x. [Favorite book?] Pressed Fairys book
[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] sunny day for sure!! i can play Lolita on the grass and wear little clothing! DRESSES!!
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] no
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants] no only the one.. that i dont even need to unzip to take off.. plus my pant top is held together with a pin!
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?]yes. once i used to have spiked hair and it exceeded the height of 13.5 cm and i rang up TripleJ and won tickets to see Spiderbait, but then i couldnt go coz i wasnt 18.
bem bow
x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] no only if used to seduce.. or if you smell it!! eww
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] it used to be fudge.. but now its just LiveColour
x. [Do you own a bandana?] i did once and i tied em all together and put them in my pocket and asked some one to please hold it for a second and i'd run away really far and like metres of em where just coming outta my pocket!! hehe
x. [What colours do you own?] they USEd to be purple and maybe an american flag one?
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] i like large ones. but im over it. but i always seen to need one to keep my clothes together coz im so poor.
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] n.o.
x. [Color] none
x. [Day] the day when the boy comes to my house with nothing and says lets leave right now and get the fuck away from the world.
x. [Month] late january coz its warm and a new year.
x. [Food] japanese.
x. [Season] autumn coz pretty colours
x. [Drink] i wanna try thats stuff thats made from rice. fav drink baileys
x. [TV Show] none.. oh but i like powerpuff girls and Fairly odd parents
x. [Radio] sometimes when i listen its to TripleJ or 104.3 and if your riding in the car with ME and I'M Driving, dont change channels you assholes.
x. [Store] anywhere where food is convienent
x. [Flower] just one flower. i love tiger lillies.. preetttty
x. [Toothbrush] its green and really really hard!
x. [Jewelery worn daily] my four interchangable earrings/lip rings just all my piercings.
x. [Doona Cover] its red. DOUBLE plus an expensive furry soft against naked skin thrown rug!
x. [Facewash] garnier
x. [Coffee cup] grade6 graguation! woot! (but i usually drink coffee from a glass)
x. [Sunglasses] zero
x. [Underwear] now?? i wear target undies!! to cover EVERYTHING
x. [Shoes] over worn red chucks
x. [Favourite shirt] none
x. [Favorite pants] black short pants. looks like i out grew the legs! (not that ive grown in 5 years!)
x. [CD in stereo right now] don't own a stereo. but the one in the car is Best Of the 60's
x. [Tattoos] zero
x. [Piercings] 3 lip ring, la bret, 4 earing, nose, tongue, belly
x. [What you are wearing now:] my over grown short legged pants, bright green bra and old warm singlet and a pink long sleeve. Oh and some one else's pearls! muah ha
x. [Hair] the colour is slowly turning natural!
x. [Do you like candles]yes, i prefer over normal lights.
x. [Do you believe in love] yes, sometimes its the only thing that saves me.
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] i did... and im still waiting to see if its real.. gotta die first yeah?
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] yeah, happened once.. until i figured out it was real love! DAMMIT!
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] eaten by cats
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] over 2.3 days worth!
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] a closed curtain. because all i see if my neighbours window staring back at me during the long nights!
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] peacock and baby turtles
[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] hmm definitly wasnt today, can't remember what i did yesterday, but some guy saw a photo of me and didnt believe it was me and said he wished he could take photos like that and that i was hot. i might have smiled then.
x. [Laughed?] nah.
x. [Danced?] hmmm perhaps sunday night. practising burlesuqe solo.
x. [Cried?] today! fuck!! coz i didnt get no sympathy from no one. everyone gets to have fun with out me!!
x. [Last movie you Watched] The Pianst
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] water in a glass
x. [Last thing you had to eat] shit rice with shitty cooks bean sprouts, pine nuts and spring onion, it just didnt work out!!! but i have a block of chocolate to compinsate for it later!!
[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] no way
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] over 7 but i only wear one!
x. [Favorite pants color?] black or dark colour
[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favourite band ever?] Pennywise and NoFx
x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] um. no coz i dont see them, i only hear there music.
x. [Favorite book?] Pressed Fairys book
[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] sunny day for sure!! i can play Lolita on the grass and wear little clothing! DRESSES!!
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] no
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants] no only the one.. that i dont even need to unzip to take off.. plus my pant top is held together with a pin!
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?]yes. once i used to have spiked hair and it exceeded the height of 13.5 cm and i rang up TripleJ and won tickets to see Spiderbait, but then i couldnt go coz i wasnt 18.

x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] no only if used to seduce.. or if you smell it!! eww
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] it used to be fudge.. but now its just LiveColour
x. [Do you own a bandana?] i did once and i tied em all together and put them in my pocket and asked some one to please hold it for a second and i'd run away really far and like metres of em where just coming outta my pocket!! hehe
x. [What colours do you own?] they USEd to be purple and maybe an american flag one?
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] i like large ones. but im over it. but i always seen to need one to keep my clothes together coz im so poor.
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] n.o.
x. [Color] none
x. [Day] the day when the boy comes to my house with nothing and says lets leave right now and get the fuck away from the world.
x. [Month] late january coz its warm and a new year.
x. [Food] japanese.
x. [Season] autumn coz pretty colours
x. [Drink] i wanna try thats stuff thats made from rice. fav drink baileys
x. [TV Show] none.. oh but i like powerpuff girls and Fairly odd parents
x. [Radio] sometimes when i listen its to TripleJ or 104.3 and if your riding in the car with ME and I'M Driving, dont change channels you assholes.
x. [Store] anywhere where food is convienent
x. [Flower] just one flower. i love tiger lillies.. preetttty
now we cant say that we dont know you...
loved it.