Scary times. Road rage poped my tire. Some angry chick tried to run me off the road so I hit a curb and blew a tire. Its a good thing I am good at changing tires and I like to work on cars. Its also a good thing that I dont let my day get ruined too easily. Yet another good thing is the fact that she didnt actually hit me cause I dont have auto insurance. yay. I need to fix that. soon enough. I now have a reasonable income. Exciting!
Cake is yummy when it is made with LOVE.
Cake is yummy when it is made with LOVE.
It was actually me who tried to run you off the road!
J/K I also won't let thing like that easily ruin my day either. Well anyway I was just cruising around and came across your profile, thought I'd say something. So there you go. Woo hoo! Except, for some reason I don't like cake. Go figure.