Finally got to see batman tonight and aside from being SUCH a nerd that I predicted the ending to a T, I had a blast watching it. I freaking love Tom Hardy and witnessing his rise to fame has given me a rise of my own *Wink*. (No, I don't have a dick but I couldn't think of an innuendo about him being wet, so you take what you can get) Even as Bane I want to sit on that man's face, and under the circumstances, I bet it would give off some pretty amazing vibrations. I think I could have solved Gotham's problem If West got to go South on him for a little while... like a weekend. A weekend of indulging in all his glorious masculinity...mmm...
Fuck kneeling before Zod, I'd kneel before Bane!
Fuck kneeling before Zod, I'd kneel before Bane!