Woah, Im NEVER having space cakes again! I had them on an off chance, not something Im into. Lord why did no one expalain how trippy it was! Never again! Im quite happy in the normal space and time, I didnt need to visit a different dimension! lol. This ones just great ta. I floated through all my mates heads & bodies last night! On a wave of energy :s
Anyone ever over done it on the buns? Cos that was the first and last time!
Anyone ever over done it on the buns? Cos that was the first and last time!
Best thing is to go to sleep.
You really shouldn`t be doing it if you`re not a hardended smoker and in the best possible company.
I love weed, its my favorite thing in the world bar my lady, but still, it has its dangers.
Imagine having a bottle of whisky on your own as your first drink. Same difference.
Keep well.
By the way, can`t say how I got here, but I think I remember you from a long time ago.
All the best