I had a date with the boyfriend last night. We went to see the midnight performance of Rocky Horror at the Wilmington Drama League. It was pretty good, although I could have been a way sexier Columbia. We agreed that the hot Phantom girl should have sex with us immediately. It was beyond bizarre to see Kathy Buterbaugh as Magenta, although she was beyond fantastic.
Ugh, I have so much work to do before school begins. Plus applications. I've started nothing. Plus, I should really narrow my college list down. 14 is a bit much.
Ugh, I have so much work to do before school begins. Plus applications. I've started nothing. Plus, I should really narrow my college list down. 14 is a bit much.

do they do the props stuff at Newark shopping center??

that would be fun. I would most likely stick out like a sore thumb but would love to go once