4-24-05 11:28pm
This is still my theme song. I figured I might as well just leave it there and edit this entry. Time for a little update on my life:
Relationship Status: Stressful and Lonely
Work Status: Progressing Nicely
Money Status: Broke
Love Status: Falling
Heart Status: Broken
State of Mind: Depressed
Currently Listening to: My theme song (see below)
Today's theme song is by the Indigo Girls - and I do believe it will be my theme song for the rest of my life. It's titled: Love Will Come To You! Enjoy reading the lyrics. The buy it, download it, find it and BLARE IT on your cd player and cry along with me
guess i wasn't the best one to ask
me myself with my face pressed
up against love's glass
to see the shiny toy i've been hoping for
the one i never can afford
the wide world spins and spits turmoil
and the nations toil for peace
but the paws of fear upon your chest
only love can soothe that beast
and my words are paper tigers
no match for the predator of pain inside her
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if I've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two
i was born under the sign of cancer
like brushing cloth i smooth the wrinkles for an answer
i close my eyes and wish you fine
(i'm always closing my eyes wishing i'm fine)
even though i know you're not this time
(even though i'm not this time)
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two
dodging your memories
a field of knives
always on the outside looking in
on other's lives
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through wh
ere there's now one there will be two
and i wish her insight
to battle love's blindness
strength from the milk of human kindness
a safe place for all the pieces that scattered
learn to pretend
there's more than love
that matters
This is still my theme song. I figured I might as well just leave it there and edit this entry. Time for a little update on my life:
Relationship Status: Stressful and Lonely
Work Status: Progressing Nicely
Money Status: Broke
Love Status: Falling
Heart Status: Broken
State of Mind: Depressed
Currently Listening to: My theme song (see below)
Today's theme song is by the Indigo Girls - and I do believe it will be my theme song for the rest of my life. It's titled: Love Will Come To You! Enjoy reading the lyrics. The buy it, download it, find it and BLARE IT on your cd player and cry along with me

guess i wasn't the best one to ask
me myself with my face pressed
up against love's glass
to see the shiny toy i've been hoping for
the one i never can afford
the wide world spins and spits turmoil
and the nations toil for peace
but the paws of fear upon your chest
only love can soothe that beast
and my words are paper tigers
no match for the predator of pain inside her
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if I've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two
i was born under the sign of cancer
like brushing cloth i smooth the wrinkles for an answer
i close my eyes and wish you fine
(i'm always closing my eyes wishing i'm fine)
even though i know you're not this time
(even though i'm not this time)
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two
dodging your memories
a field of knives
always on the outside looking in
on other's lives
i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through wh
ere there's now one there will be two
and i wish her insight
to battle love's blindness
strength from the milk of human kindness
a safe place for all the pieces that scattered
learn to pretend
there's more than love
that matters
Anakin? I don't know either... Must be one of the new Star Wars things. The old ones are better.
eh I've been there...I was broken up with right before homecoming