teh holiday is over, have to really look for work now, sux, i might have to do soemthing non IT, which shits me a little, i really wanted to get into corporate stuff, have a job where i can work up the food chain. blah
step one in ending the holiday - try to fix this fucking truck, got the tools i need now lets just hope i can actuly get the head off and that's all that is wrong :/
my bday comming up, soon to be 28 and unemployed with no form of personal transport, what a way to satrt a year
step one in ending the holiday - try to fix this fucking truck, got the tools i need now lets just hope i can actuly get the head off and that's all that is wrong :/
my bday comming up, soon to be 28 and unemployed with no form of personal transport, what a way to satrt a year