promised i wouldn't blog here anymore but yet to find a alternative and this needs to be shared with teh world so i might as well slap it here.
WArning: its long, its strange and parts of it are skiped over, but i think i have kept teh basics of the story here.
scene 1:
enter stage - crazy customer: do you know were i can find a politicans office?
store clerk: (me/rhian/whoever): no idea mate, im not into politics, no idea were they are.
we cut form teh main story here to make a side note - whilst store clerk has a made a repsonse that may have seemed appropriate on many levels - most importantly the quick end to a conversation and continuation with his day.
it was in veritably the WRONG answer.
scene 2:
crazy custoemr: well you should be, see this this is your chance to make a difference, to stop soemthign terrible
- custoerm waves printed pages violently
cc: dont you care about this world, i thouht you were a smart kid
sc: well yes and no, i care about my own bublle, i dont have care for politics.
we intervene again, store clerk has made mistake number 2, never metion to crazy peopel yuou live life in a bubble.
cc: this is your chance to help stop this you see these
shop clerk notices that teh printed paper is infact in realtion to uranium minning and subsequent uranium realted deformities and horror:
sc: look mate i just dont care about this stuff, i dotn vote , dotn think we should have too, politics is not my thing.
cc: do you bleive in god, you should, god made this print, he made the button on my printer print this twice.
this election you can use yourvote your say to stop this, have you seen what this can do!!!!!!!!!!!
end scene:
as you can see so far store clecks simplemistake with his openeing response has opened quiet teh can of worms, no quick out to the conversation, infact almost goading the man on.
scene 3:
cc: i have seen god, i have seen him in india, you should care about this , im a astrologer and a spiritual healer, this stuff wil be the death of our life.
b4 i go any further by now i hope the audiance - if thier is one - have some idea of the situation, the tension, etc etc you get the idea , this is no normal customer.
cc: you know were al this stuff, computers falls, it afalls in uranus (ed. planet for those who are giggiling) you know were uranium falls - uranus too
sc: look i hear what your saysing, this stuff is bad etc etc, but your vote my vote wont fix our consumerist society. i really dont care to much, your vote wont stop china makign non recylable computer parts.
yes it will its a start peopel wil listen.
at this point store clerk is bored, annoyed and frustrated, raisng his hands in a meh kind of way agian states he isnt really interedetd.
cc: stands up says look at these
sc: i have seen them
cc: well you shoudl prey to god for your bubble casue we are al gonna need it.
i have left out the crazier parts , such as how the rich are all gonna fly to their space station when the world ends, how he thinks it would be funny if it fell out of the sky and various other quis and digs at my lack of care for what he had to say.
so to conclude, that was my morning, im not typing this to make fun or to put him down in soem strange way.
basicly he was insane, i think, or maybe he has soemthing the rest of us dont, he has a purpose.
he has seen god, or he belives he has, regardless of what we think of religion he belives it, it gives him a reason to do what he does.
and he is right uranium minning is bad etc etc, but we live in a tiem were these things are requierd to maintan our way of life, our consumerism. and i dare anyone of you out thier to say you are not a consumer.
i leave it up to you to work out if you think he is insnae or not.
and then woith teh click of a button and turning o his feet store clerk walked away to try and move on with his day, as strange as it had just become.
WArning: its long, its strange and parts of it are skiped over, but i think i have kept teh basics of the story here.
scene 1:
enter stage - crazy customer: do you know were i can find a politicans office?
store clerk: (me/rhian/whoever): no idea mate, im not into politics, no idea were they are.
we cut form teh main story here to make a side note - whilst store clerk has a made a repsonse that may have seemed appropriate on many levels - most importantly the quick end to a conversation and continuation with his day.
it was in veritably the WRONG answer.
scene 2:
crazy custoemr: well you should be, see this this is your chance to make a difference, to stop soemthign terrible
- custoerm waves printed pages violently
cc: dont you care about this world, i thouht you were a smart kid
sc: well yes and no, i care about my own bublle, i dont have care for politics.
we intervene again, store clerk has made mistake number 2, never metion to crazy peopel yuou live life in a bubble.
cc: this is your chance to help stop this you see these
shop clerk notices that teh printed paper is infact in realtion to uranium minning and subsequent uranium realted deformities and horror:
sc: look mate i just dont care about this stuff, i dotn vote , dotn think we should have too, politics is not my thing.
cc: do you bleive in god, you should, god made this print, he made the button on my printer print this twice.
this election you can use yourvote your say to stop this, have you seen what this can do!!!!!!!!!!!
end scene:
as you can see so far store clecks simplemistake with his openeing response has opened quiet teh can of worms, no quick out to the conversation, infact almost goading the man on.
scene 3:
cc: i have seen god, i have seen him in india, you should care about this , im a astrologer and a spiritual healer, this stuff wil be the death of our life.
b4 i go any further by now i hope the audiance - if thier is one - have some idea of the situation, the tension, etc etc you get the idea , this is no normal customer.
cc: you know were al this stuff, computers falls, it afalls in uranus (ed. planet for those who are giggiling) you know were uranium falls - uranus too
sc: look i hear what your saysing, this stuff is bad etc etc, but your vote my vote wont fix our consumerist society. i really dont care to much, your vote wont stop china makign non recylable computer parts.
yes it will its a start peopel wil listen.
at this point store clerk is bored, annoyed and frustrated, raisng his hands in a meh kind of way agian states he isnt really interedetd.
cc: stands up says look at these
sc: i have seen them
cc: well you shoudl prey to god for your bubble casue we are al gonna need it.
i have left out the crazier parts , such as how the rich are all gonna fly to their space station when the world ends, how he thinks it would be funny if it fell out of the sky and various other quis and digs at my lack of care for what he had to say.
so to conclude, that was my morning, im not typing this to make fun or to put him down in soem strange way.
basicly he was insane, i think, or maybe he has soemthing the rest of us dont, he has a purpose.
he has seen god, or he belives he has, regardless of what we think of religion he belives it, it gives him a reason to do what he does.
and he is right uranium minning is bad etc etc, but we live in a tiem were these things are requierd to maintan our way of life, our consumerism. and i dare anyone of you out thier to say you are not a consumer.
i leave it up to you to work out if you think he is insnae or not.
and then woith teh click of a button and turning o his feet store clerk walked away to try and move on with his day, as strange as it had just become.
hugs to you