so yae getting really tired of the stupid shit at work. I work in a library as a clerk, and we hired this page who thinks she knows everything and has all the answers. if she tries this psycho babble bull shit on me again I'm gonna snap, bitch sees me 4 hours a day tops and interacts with me for one of those at best but she knows me. Fuckin please just please. and on top of that she is a born again jackass oops I mean christian and constantly preaches at me. If I am in a bad mood it's just to spite her she claims like my life revolves around her. I am so sick of her, I love working in a library but she really drives me crazy till I wanna scream!!!! In good news i got a new phone last night the Alias 2 and i love it. glad to be free of the psycho bitch, and Celeste is home for a few days!!! I have really missed my little sister. We are going out to see Star Trek IX
tonight!! First time for her third for me (I know I'm a geek) and then family picnic tomorrow at Mom's I am really excited.
