Well it's official....mad_fer_it is a dumb ass and on this fine evening he proved it by locking his keys inside his still running car... And in only 2 hours and 54 minutes later little mr tow truck man opened my car... it was actually an enlightening experience as the old me would have surely threw a rock thru a window after about 45 minutes but the new and improved dumbass just paced back and forth like a caged animal and was still magnanamous enough to give the biker dude a $5 tip...
as a tribute to this lovely day, mike ness and the boys sum it all up in a rockin little tune...
the little black saturn came thru it like a trooper....
much like his owner, he's a tough summabitch...
as a tribute to this lovely day, mike ness and the boys sum it all up in a rockin little tune...
the little black saturn came thru it like a trooper....

much like his owner, he's a tough summabitch...
I won't be on until later tonight.

So true.