Well, just got my first job as a stripper. Totally thrilling. I can honestly say I love it! I come home and all I can think about is stripping again.Doing this in addition to my writing of course, and maybe (hopefully) it's just because I'm new, but I've been much more interested in dancing than any other kind of work that I do.

I met...
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there's something oddly poetic about washing semen out of your hair

I need a computer so bad. It's so rare that I get a chance to update this! I'm hoping to get one in August, I think I'll have enough saved by then. I'm thnking of taking a new job though that would pay way less but put me on a better career path... whatever... more later.
Sometimes it is important to think of your career and just let money stand on the side for a short period. I made a career change a year ago and took quite a salary cut ... I'm slowly but surely getting closer to what I used to earn a year ago and it feels great! Mostly because I've changed my career path and I'm on the way up biggrin tongue
I so need a new computer... frown I am at an internet cafe again. I am sad. It's expensive. I'm thinking of getting a mac.
Sacred 2 PC-game will be out soon and my current processer and graphics card won't run it .... so I'll need a new computer too!
Dude, I love my mac! Both my roommate just got Macs as well. I'd like to say I converted them.
Sex is good. Verrry good. Especially when you've got someone who's wicked hot and thinks the same of you...*swoon*

Why don't you just make a booty call or two?

kiss kiss kiss
Who's seen Charlie and the Chocoalate Factory, and is it good?

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
You definitely should go to N.O. one day.
hi! i've not seen charlie and the chocolate factory yet. it's not out in the uk until next week frown
I've been doing so much NOTHING lately, it's really, really bad. I'm constantly tired and grumpy. Rarrr! I think I'm just stressed because I have so much stuff that I really don't even want to think about doing.

Write a thesis paper, or read online lesbian personals?

Clean my room, or just take the third long hot shower of the day?

Write my LONG overdue...
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I would go for reading online lesbian personals. That and masturbating, but not necessarily together.

Xtine didnt have any fully nude shots in her debut set. I've also noticed in some recent sets there are maybe only two or three, if less, entirely nude shots.
I'd say go headlong into the actual work, then reward yourself with lesbianism and masturbation. It'll make you fell all warm and fuzzy about yourself tongue