Freud or Jung...Freud or Jung????...I've had these two demons Greco-Roman-ing in my psyche for possession of my soul for decades and still no true resolution...BUT...after all the therapy and all the self help tomes and all the self reflection...It comes down to this...You are healed when YOU can live with the things you've done and the person you were and the person that life forges from your experiences...You have to accept all three points of your personality...To deny one of them is to deny yourself and merely extends your period of self pity and self flagellation...
So....Freud or Jung?.....Hmmmmm...It all began with Freud...He thought it all up...Much like Einstein...The whole ball of wax sprang fully formed from his ego...As much as I hate to admit it, Jung tacked on a few well intentioned ideas to his mentors therapeutic modalities...Not that that's a bad thing..It's as though, Freud built the house and Jung did the decorating...Either way the abode would be habitable...just not as cute when it comes to entertaining...Soooo...Guys...let's call it a draw and take a shower...Well..not together...We don't have time to drag Maslow or Frankl into this...That's more like Roller Derby Therapy...

So....Freud or Jung?.....Hmmmmm...It all began with Freud...He thought it all up...Much like Einstein...The whole ball of wax sprang fully formed from his ego...As much as I hate to admit it, Jung tacked on a few well intentioned ideas to his mentors therapeutic modalities...Not that that's a bad thing..It's as though, Freud built the house and Jung did the decorating...Either way the abode would be habitable...just not as cute when it comes to entertaining...Soooo...Guys...let's call it a draw and take a shower...Well..not together...We don't have time to drag Maslow or Frankl into this...That's more like Roller Derby Therapy...


I couldn't do full "at attention" 'cause the really heavy camera would hit me and hurt.

Actually part of his depression and the meds he is on comes from a broken back. He has 4 inoperable discs in his upper spine that have shattered to the point where no surgeon will touch him in fear of killing him or paralyzing him for life. It's a battle he feels and deals with everyday and one I am trying so hard to help him with. He was great until his custody battle for his son, which he should have won but he didn't cause he is not the Mom even though he has so much more to offer and is far more amazing.