SG ate my blog...Oh well, it's happened before...
I had heard some of the hype relating to "10/10/10" and all of the good or not so good portents it might hold. I was on edge much of the day as it felt like I had left something undone or had forgotten something. I had been down much of the week so i just assumed it was left over doldrums
I had the "10/10/10" thing bouncing around in my head much of the day and at some point I flashed on the image of a desk calendar; the kind that tell you the number of the day of the year as well as the current date. I felt compelled to find the number of days that had passed in the year. I finally found a calendar (I have a dumb phone so it was of no help) and found that the number of the day of the year was 283...Hmmmmm...
So I played around with the numbers 283 and "10/10/10" and if you divide 283 by 10 (for the base number that was causing all the commotion) you get 28.3...and if you divide that by 3 (for the number of 10's in the date) you get 9.4333333, etc....and if you divide by 3 once more (for the number of digits in the day of the year) you get 3.14....Hmmmmm...Our old friend Pi...Well not quite because the actual result is 3.14444444, etc....BUT if you just run the number to 3 places...based on everything so far being done or presented in 3's, then it IS it's simple 3.14 form...Hmmmmmm.
Quick somebody, how many times in the next 1000 years will this math repeat?...Hmmmmmmmm

No, I don't really feel better knowing this but maybe something is trying to get my attention...Maybe the universe IS unfolding the way it's supposed to. Maybe the miracle is not that everything was planned 6 billion years ago by some indifferent intelligence but that all the events that have to line up just right each second to make the next minute do it all on their own,,,and it works...mostly.
There's a message in there somewhere....
I had heard some of the hype relating to "10/10/10" and all of the good or not so good portents it might hold. I was on edge much of the day as it felt like I had left something undone or had forgotten something. I had been down much of the week so i just assumed it was left over doldrums
I had the "10/10/10" thing bouncing around in my head much of the day and at some point I flashed on the image of a desk calendar; the kind that tell you the number of the day of the year as well as the current date. I felt compelled to find the number of days that had passed in the year. I finally found a calendar (I have a dumb phone so it was of no help) and found that the number of the day of the year was 283...Hmmmmm...
So I played around with the numbers 283 and "10/10/10" and if you divide 283 by 10 (for the base number that was causing all the commotion) you get 28.3...and if you divide that by 3 (for the number of 10's in the date) you get 9.4333333, etc....and if you divide by 3 once more (for the number of digits in the day of the year) you get 3.14....Hmmmmm...Our old friend Pi...Well not quite because the actual result is 3.14444444, etc....BUT if you just run the number to 3 places...based on everything so far being done or presented in 3's, then it IS it's simple 3.14 form...Hmmmmmm.
Quick somebody, how many times in the next 1000 years will this math repeat?...Hmmmmmmmm

No, I don't really feel better knowing this but maybe something is trying to get my attention...Maybe the universe IS unfolding the way it's supposed to. Maybe the miracle is not that everything was planned 6 billion years ago by some indifferent intelligence but that all the events that have to line up just right each second to make the next minute do it all on their own,,,and it works...mostly.

There's a message in there somewhere....

Your Math left me behind, but I hope your philosophy regarding things unfolding the way they should holds true, most especially if those cosmic plans get me and you where we need to be.