It's true that life happens in stages. When I was in college and reading all the psycho-social self help books, I couldn't really see it. My life was for me, going to be the same thing for many years. The same job, the same friends, the same woman...and that really wasn't a problem for seemed that security and comfort was the biggest goal I could attain...and if I happened to enjoy my job as well, then who could ask for anything more?
Then the "stages" started...
There have been a few...some short, some longer...some happy and some simply tolerable

I"ve been going through one that I had actually come to accept in a "Sisyphus" sort of way...
...By that I mean, I kept going on without going forward...accepting the situation because I thought it was some sort of duty to do so...Well, that's not going to be the case much longer...On the other hand, it will take all my fearlessness to go forward from this point...I could again, sit back, take a few lumps and move on within my current "stage"...but I wouldn't be any happier by doing fact I know there would be many months of misery sprinkled throughout my future years...I am done with being miserable for the sake of anyone but myself...If I have to be miserable for any reason in the future, at least it will be my misery...caused by me and I won't be rolling that damned rock up the hill anymore...
...I can live with that..
As for "stages, "passages" and the like, I can see them plainly now...even the one I'm about to enter...and it's all right...BUT...what do I do with all these boxes????
Then the "stages" started...

I"ve been going through one that I had actually come to accept in a "Sisyphus" sort of way...

As for "stages, "passages" and the like, I can see them plainly now...even the one I'm about to enter...and it's all right...BUT...what do I do with all these boxes????

I think you should just throw the damned boxes away.