Time to write something different...Need to type something that doen't make me hit the keys so hard...
I almost got in a fight yesterday...
Almost...I think it would have been a fight...
...Short version...Standing in line for coffee...nice sunday morning, not a care in the world. The slight smallish gent ahead of me is paying for his coffee in pennies. Not the nicely rolled type...loose pennies...$1.95 worth...no tip. This did not bother me...I was feeling fine...no worries, no hurries.
He slides appropriately to the right after receiving his coffee and I step forward slightly to order from the barista who has already gestured for me to step forward. As I do so, "big spender" slides back in front of me without even turning around. He orders a hot tea and proceeds to pay in dimes...loose dimes...$1.70...
I do not move...I figure, he moved back into what became my universe and I am not going to step back...I say nothing but I do not move...As he receives his tea he NOW tries to turn around.. He has a hot drink in either hand. He is trying to elbow me out of the way, as I am looking down at the top of his head. He doesn't even look up but says loudly as he is trying to push me now, "EXCUSE ME!!!!!"...
I am now perturbed and might normally have smiled and shrugged and let him pass...but the pennies and dimes shit has pissed me off...and he left no tip...not that that is required, but he might have TRIED to compensate the young man for takng up his time.
As he repeats himself, still trying to push me back with his elbow, I calmly state, somewhat loudly, "Hey buddy, next time ask your mommy for enough change to leave a tip"...which gets a slight titter from the old ladies behind me...
He pauses pushing but makes a sudden jerking upward motion with the hand that has the cup in his right hand...I quickly stand on his foot and say, "DON'T!!!!"...He relaxes...I relax and he slides now to the left...all the while without ever looking me in the eyes...
As he wandered off without looking back, the barista gave me a free coffee...but I left a dollar...
I think that almost qualifies as almost getting into a fight...

I almost got in a fight yesterday...

Almost...I think it would have been a fight...

He slides appropriately to the right after receiving his coffee and I step forward slightly to order from the barista who has already gestured for me to step forward. As I do so, "big spender" slides back in front of me without even turning around. He orders a hot tea and proceeds to pay in dimes...loose dimes...$1.70...
I do not move...I figure, he moved back into what became my universe and I am not going to step back...I say nothing but I do not move...As he receives his tea he NOW tries to turn around.. He has a hot drink in either hand. He is trying to elbow me out of the way, as I am looking down at the top of his head. He doesn't even look up but says loudly as he is trying to push me now, "EXCUSE ME!!!!!"...
I am now perturbed and might normally have smiled and shrugged and let him pass...but the pennies and dimes shit has pissed me off...and he left no tip...not that that is required, but he might have TRIED to compensate the young man for takng up his time.
As he repeats himself, still trying to push me back with his elbow, I calmly state, somewhat loudly, "Hey buddy, next time ask your mommy for enough change to leave a tip"...which gets a slight titter from the old ladies behind me...

He pauses pushing but makes a sudden jerking upward motion with the hand that has the cup in his right hand...I quickly stand on his foot and say, "DON'T!!!!"...He relaxes...I relax and he slides now to the left...all the while without ever looking me in the eyes...
As he wandered off without looking back, the barista gave me a free coffee...but I left a dollar...

I think that almost qualifies as almost getting into a fight...

The only reason to go back east is to get my things and head back west...God willing August 26th will be a one way trip home!!! Santa Monica makes me feel like Mary Poppins and I found two raw restaurants and a homeopathic pharmacy without trying...So excited, for now I just try and keep it together! Likey the story.
I love Amy. She wrote a book not too long ago. She also wrote a book with Steven Colbert a few years back. It was hilarious.