Marley fest was aiight.... kinda sounded over-rehearsed or something... kinda flat or something... who knows, maybe I was just too far from the action. I did my frolicking thing though, and definitely had a good time....
Now I am back to school as of tomorrow, and I start it all off with a wonderful lecture in Macroeconomics.... yessssss! It sounds as good a time as any... will be very much prepared with a triple espresso shot bevy of some sort..... Send you all lotsa love and will have some poetry to post soon, so keep a lookout....
Now I am back to school as of tomorrow, and I start it all off with a wonderful lecture in Macroeconomics.... yessssss! It sounds as good a time as any... will be very much prepared with a triple espresso shot bevy of some sort..... Send you all lotsa love and will have some poetry to post soon, so keep a lookout....

How've you been?
I want poetry!
Take care.