The season is upon me.... I am having this weird urge to get a Christmas tree and I really wanna be festive, but I know it would just depress me in the end when I am sitting in front of my little tree on the day that one guy was born all by myself. I have no one to celebrate with... well, no one that is wholesome, and I really don't wanna have an un-wholesome Holiday. Anyhoo- enough complaining for now. I made a really yummy dessert the other day... so good, in fact, that the head Chef of the entire Culinary college at my University came to personally congradulate me on it. Spiffy, huh? Other than that I get to dress up for the every-Tuesday-is-Halloween-at-Sushi Samba Party. I think I'm gonna be a sexy little Chefess... we'll see if I can get ahold of some knee-high white boots....

-_- Yes being alone at christmas sucks, I pulled that last year as my roomate went to visit his gf's parents. What kind of desert was it? : P good lck finding those hun. seeya.
i just wanna go ice skating thats all haha