I am so stoked on life... I think I might piss my pants with the excitement of it all!! I am going to Germany this summer to study for and recieve my sommelier certification from the German governement (I take small steps every day towards eventually being in Germany this summer, so every time I take another small little step you will hear about how stoked I am about this) My fabulous get-so-drunk-you-can't-remember-anything-for-a-week birthday is around the corner, AND (save the best for last) I am actually going to have an oppurtunity to see these crazy naked bitches live.... fucking awesome. how can you get better than that? I was jsut wondering when I can start buying tickets... they're supposedly going to be here on October 29th at Studio A... but it's not posted on Studio A's events list... maybe I'm confused??
Other than that I had an awesome time at Purdy last night getting a little tipsey with one of my favorite feline friends.. Kate. She's a sexy kitty, I would have to say... I got the poor thing so drunk she could barely manage to walk out of purdy in a decent swaggering line..hehehe. Not only that, but I saw this guy that kinda blew me off awhile ago... He's Spanish, and barely knows how to speak English. He was trying to make up some excuse or somehting, but I just blatently ignored him and all of the other dicks in the room and danced with Kate all night long... and he couldn't stop staring at me... I love it
Other than that I had an awesome time at Purdy last night getting a little tipsey with one of my favorite feline friends.. Kate. She's a sexy kitty, I would have to say... I got the poor thing so drunk she could barely manage to walk out of purdy in a decent swaggering line..hehehe. Not only that, but I saw this guy that kinda blew me off awhile ago... He's Spanish, and barely knows how to speak English. He was trying to make up some excuse or somehting, but I just blatently ignored him and all of the other dicks in the room and danced with Kate all night long... and he couldn't stop staring at me... I love it

If you like beer- you'll love Germany

That awesome you will be in Germany- congrats! Studio A has a link on their website to purchase tickets but they may not be available yet. I am going there tomorrow to see Ladytron so I will let you know if they are not up already.