ok so here are some that i shot with my iphone they are at the bottom but the better images are on my myspace.Here is a link to my myspace where you can check out the kick ass photos of my new tattoo done at the fucking amazing Infinite Ink in chicago!!!!!! xoxoxox you may have to log into ur myspace account to view however i am working on getting the kb on the photos smaller so i can just post them here but im retarded so it may take a bit!!! also thank u to my friends they know who they are for the talk last night i really appreciated it i am feeling a lot better and am very optimistic (i really fucking hope i spelled that right however its fucking 6:41am over here and im not going to fucking care till around 12 or so ill fix any fuck ups then) 
for those that cannot tell those are the tattoos that i have on my wrists...i also have senor mustache on my index finger of my right hand ill show u all that later. LOL it kicks ass! xoxox


nice back tat !

wow that looks great