a little note thanks again everyone for all the love for this set i really hope that it goes live it really means a lot to me so if you havent checked it out yet please do and let me know what u think xoxoxo also thank u for all the love for my being down today as you all know i was sick for a few days now and am still kind of sluggish so ill be sleeping and drinking for the remainder of this evening well its only 1 pm but u get the idea also im rambling now but we should all plan a huge party for 4/20 come on people in my area lets do it!!!! anyway im off to nap a bit then do some drinking. xoxoxox again go look at my naked ass and leave me some love xoxoxox

I was just informed of what 4/20 ment...which either means, I am lame as hell, or I am not as ghetto Chicagoian as I thought

How are you doing today doll?