So I got another appointment to get more work done on My tat. Another two hours of fill in. that will be good
How is everyone? good I hope. Not much going on in My life right now played some golf yesterday but other than that nothing exciting lol.
I will not be here this weekend as I will be at the parents watching the GrandMa so that My parents can get away for their anniversary. The Granny and I will get to spend some time together so thats good.

How is everyone? good I hope. Not much going on in My life right now played some golf yesterday but other than that nothing exciting lol.
I will not be here this weekend as I will be at the parents watching the GrandMa so that My parents can get away for their anniversary. The Granny and I will get to spend some time together so thats good.
... I'm not going to name the kittens 'cause that'll make me get even more attached and I already have too many grown cats. .. that and I'm sure when they go to their permanet homes they'll get new names anyways.
Have fun this weekend