I find it increasingly harder to find someone. I doubt that there is on for Me, so I am setting Myself to just being Me, and seeing how it goes. I realize it doesnt matter what others think, only what you think of yourself. I find that in My life, Women either see Me as a a big guy and dont go for it before getting to know Me, or just pushing Me aside and labeling My as friend only. If thats your thing go for it, but there is more to Me than meets the eye lol. Its thunderstorming and so no fireworks, even though I wasnt going cause I just got off work and am tired now. I dony understand why people are so vain sometimes. I dont go for women just because of how they look, that are superattractive, and if I do its cause I know they bez good people lol. I think that if I stop looking for love, it will sneak up and slap Me in the face lol. So love I turn My back
I hope everyone has a good start of the week tomorrow
peace love soul rock n roll

I hope everyone has a good start of the week tomorrow
peace love soul rock n roll
happy 4th dude! i'm off to get wasted to celebrate! hah