Played some golf today lol. didnt do that bad. Playing golf while on narcotics is interesting. I hope everyone's week is going well. Tattoo has stopped peeling so thats nice. Just got to wait til next paycheck to get more filled in. No Weddings this weekend so thats good, dont have to work all day long. I have started writing again. I felt the urge to write a poem again the other day, so We will see how it goes. Well I am off to take a nap. and Yes I know I am lame

wicked, beginning writing again must be a good feeling
I know when I stop writing for a long period of time, when I start again I feel fresh and new and excited to get some thoughts out, so good for you! Good to hear that tat is coming along nicely, I'm still waiting for my first.

thanks, life is going pretty well for me lately. any interesting plans for the 4th? and good luck with the poetry!