Merry Christmas and Happy holidays
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Who has the itch? Me or the ex? I wish H. Had an itch for me. You should be busy putting the voodoo on him for me. Ha! Have a good one.
Ive been out of touch awhile... so, the computer at home is wrecked and work is crazy - dammit. The voodoo isnt working on Harrison.... perhaps divine intervention has spared me heartache.
The ex has an itch for sure.
I need to shop for Christmas soon !
Whats your holiday status??
The ex has an itch for sure.
I need to shop for Christmas soon !
Whats your holiday status??
Happy Birthday to Me
Hey Hey Hey! Happy Birthday!
Tomorrow would had been my Moms, cool. Scorpio. Supposed to be good lovers!
What did you do for your birthday??
Tomorrow would had been my Moms, cool. Scorpio. Supposed to be good lovers!
What did you do for your birthday??
I heard this the other day and I found it quite true. lifes a bitch, then you die lol
dude - seems like you are going through a bad patch. Life has great things too. Where can I watch this Histories Mysteries??
well women suck lol. It seems what I thought was something going on, has now be made clear to Me to be nothing. I dont get females at all. I was honest and upfront, why cant I get the same.
love that oxfordboy....... wow = put that on my comments so I can refer back occasionally.
Mackinzie_k: what on earth happened??? can I help clear up and confusion on women?? <<<<<<big hug>>>>>>>>>
Mackinzie_k: what on earth happened??? can I help clear up and confusion on women?? <<<<<<big hug>>>>>>>>>
hey you! Back in the saddle. Where 'ya been?
So I sorta have this thing with this girl at work, I dunno what it is really, so trying not to label it. I really like her, and I am pretty sure she likes Me. I told her sunday that I wanted to talk to her before she left, and she said why did she do something wrong?, now why would she ask that? I...
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Well time to update I guess. Tattoo is all finished, it looks great, will have to put a pic up sometime soon. I started college again, taking one class, Medival European History. Its going ok, though having a paper every two weeks sucks lol, plus have a 10-15 page research paper due at the end of the semester, not realy looking forward to that. But...
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You are very generous, if I ever feel neglected in either area - I will let you know!
Keep practicing just in case -
Keep practicing just in case -
Thanks for the nice comments.
I really like the design on your tribal tat, from what i can see

well My big tribal tat is almost done, just need to wrap a little bit around My arm and bammo I am done. Its look f'ing great. Very excited about it.
I just dont know what to do. The shit is hitting the fan at work and I dont think I want to stay there, but I dont know what I want to do next. I was thinking about going back to school and actually finishing this time, but I dont know what I want to do. I think I should talk to someone but I...
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well I went and got My touch up down, it was nice. So there is this girl I like, but I just dont have the guts to ask her out lol, how sad is that?
you should ask her out, confidence is sexy

calixta: should ask her out.
Thanks for the happy bday wish
Thanks for the happy bday wish

Bracing myself for the ex to ask to move back in. He needs counseling and whole new way of thinking about life. Its just too hard.
What did you get for Christmas??