then... last night I finished the "body work" I guess LOL a friend of mine approached me saying he has this bass guitar that needs to be made beautiful and soo he said he will let me do anything I want on it! artistic freedom is amazing! then he was texting me saying he might like some planet looking stuff if it was possible and since I hadnt started of course it was! soo I have been working on it for a few days... its the first time I have ever done an airbrush PAINTING... and YEARS since I had even used the airbrush soo I thought it would be the best way to go about it!
heres the finished results!


Im sooo excited with how it turned out!! not bad for just trying!
and the other thing I am SUPER excited about... tomorrow I will be going to the twin cities to go shopping at the Mall Of America with my friend... only... Im saving all my money for one special item!
wanna know what it is?!
I am SO excited! I am at some point in time going to attempt to shoot a set for myself... not sure how well it will work but whats the harm in trying?! whats the worst that could happen? I have fun naked pics for you guys to enjoy?!
also now that my health is cleared... me and my fiance are going to be starting this program
I totally cheated and downloaded it but... I wanted to start ASAP! soo I will be tracking my progress and will for sure be sharing with you guys as we make our way though the 60 days! I NEED to stick to this... I NEED to be in better shape for soo many reasons!
but thats mostly all for now... just some random pics for you!
silly faces
My Dogs facebook!
amazing shoes I would die for....
and the only last thing is... we lost a friend yesterday... a good guy age 24 after a long battle with cancer... so RIP Justin AKA Lug! we will all miss you and I will miss our goofy chats on AIM
much love
Oh and cool tattoo. I like the white ink. What's it mean tho?